juggling soccer ball post ACL surgery

5 Months Post Op ACL and Meniscus Surgery

After the disappointment I faced not being able to jog at the end of my fourth month of recovery, I turned the page for month five. My fifth month of recovery after ACL and meniscus surgery was focused on strengthening and stability. I was working as hard as possible to close the gap between the …

biking after ACL surgery

Month 4 Post Op ACL and Meniscus Surgery

My fourth month of recovery from my ACL and meniscus surgery was still challenging, but definitely better than the first three. I was still working on my range of motion but also starting to focus more on strength. However, this month did come with some frustrating news. In this post, I will share the details …

lateral lunge post op ACL

3 Months Post Op ACL and Meniscus Surgery

My third month recovering from ACL and medial and lateral meniscus surgery was still quite difficult. Although I was slowly improving my range of motion and strength, I was still behind the “normal” timeline and still really struggling with my recovery. In this post, I will detail my third month of recovery and share the …

month 1 acl meniscus surgery

1 Month After ACL and Meniscus Surgery

The first month after ACL and medial and lateral meniscus surgery.  It was a difficult month filled with a lot of pain and swelling. The first month was challenging mentally and physically. In this 1 month post-op update, I am going to share the highlights from my first month post ACL and meniscus surgery including …

acl surgery post op

ACL and Meniscus Surgery: All About My Injury and Surgery

ACL surgery is something that many athletes go through. While tackling your own journey, it can be difficult to know what to expect. I found it very helpful to read and watch other peoples’ experiences, which is why I decided to document my own.  However, every single surgery is different. Before learning more about my …