Simple ACL Recovery Exercises I Did 4 to 6 Months Post Op

Before sharing my top ACL recovery exercises for approximately months 4-6, I’d just like to remind you of a few things:

  • I had ACL reconstruction with medial AND lateral meniscus repair in April 2018, then a meniscus trim in May 2019, and have returned to playing professional soccer.
  • I am not a professional strength coach, physical therapist, athletic trainer, doctor, etc. This information is based on the guidance I received from my medical professionals as well as my experience as a collegiate and professional athlete.
  • Every recovery is unique. You may be able to do exercises at different times than I did, it all depends on your specific surgery and protocol.
  • This list is not comprehensive. I also worked a lot on my range of motion, stretching, and other exercises that I did not happen to film.
  • These exercises are similar to what you can do for several types of knee surgeries (just make sure to follow your doctor’s instructions). I did many of the same exercises when recovering from my subsequent meniscus trim, just on a quicker timeline.

My ACL Rehab Videos

Bike w/ Resistance

Biking continued to be a critical exercise for my recovery. Once I had enough range of motion, biking could be used for some strengthening and cardio. I would simply turn the resistance up a bit on the bike. I started doing this slowly, only increasing the resistance slightly and biking for 10-15 minutes. Over time, I increased the resistance I could handle and would use the bike for interval workouts.

  • Requirements: Enough range of motion for full circles
  • Purpose: flexion, strengthening, cardio
  • Muscles Targeted: quad, hamstring, glutes
  • Timeline in recovery: 3 months+
  • Approximate reps/sets: depends on the purpose of the biking
  • How to add difficulty: increase resistance, perform interval bike sprints, pedal faster

4-Way Plank

This kind of plank became a staple exercise during the middle portion of the recovery. Doing all 4 directions hit almost every muscle. It was great for stability and strengthening different muscles. In the video, I demonstrate all 4 parts of the plank. I did about 20 reps on each side. After completing the 4-way plank, I rested and then repeated it two more times.

  • Requirements: sufficient strength
  • Purpose: strengthening and stability
  • Muscles Targeted: different muscles for each part of the plank
  • Timeline in recovery: 5 months+
  • Approximate reps/sets: 20 reps on each side. 3 sets.
  • How to add difficulty: Add ankle weights, add reps or sets, hold for longer

Hex Bar Squat

The hex bar squat is a variation of a barbell squat. Not every gym will have one, but if yours does then try it out. Just like a squat, you want to keep your body aligned while performing the motion. Push your knees out as you squat down to 90 degrees while holding the hex bar. Again, I began with only a little weight and then progressed the weight as I got stronger.

  • Requirements: sufficient ROM and strength
  • Purpose: strengthening
  • Muscles Targeted: Quads, hamstrings, glutes
  • Timeline in recovery: 5 months+
  • Approximate reps/sets: 3 sets of 10-15 reps
  • How to add difficulty: Add weight, add a jump, go down slower

Elevated Clamshells

Lay on your side with your knees bent. Push yourself up with your elbow and the side of your knee on the ground. From this position, open your legs in a clamshell motion. Repeat the clamshells while in the elevated position for a very strong glute activator. Add a band to increase difficulty.

  • Requirements:
  • Purpose: strengthening
  • Muscles Targeted: glutes
  • Timeline in recovery: 4-7 months
  • Approximate reps/sets: 3 sets of 15 reps
  • How to add difficulty: add sets/reps

Mini Squat Jump

Around 4-5 months in recovery I began working on mini squat jumps. Basically, you squat down to about 90 degrees. As you push up, jump slightly off the ground to perform a mini jump. Focus on your landing, pausing in a cushioned squat. At this stage, I was not putting all of my force into the jump. I progressed in jumping height and intensity as I improved.

  • Requirements: clearance to perform the exercise
  • Purpose: power, balance
  • Muscles Targeted: quads, glutes, hamstring
  • Timeline in recovery: 5-6 months
  • Approximate reps/sets: 3 sets of 6-10 reps
  • How to add difficulty: add weight, increase the depth of the squat, jump higher, add reps


Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a barbell in front of you. Bend at the waist, keeping the knees slightly bent, until the barbell is just below your knees. Make sure to keep the bar close to your body as you lower it. Force your hips forward while standing up straight to return to your starting position. Repeat 10-15 reps.

  • Requirements: weight-bearing, sufficient strength
  • Purpose: hamstring strengthening
  • Muscles Targeted: hamstrings and glutes
  • Timeline in recovery: 4 months on
  • Approximate reps/sets: 3 sets of 15
  • How to add difficulty: increase weight, increase sets, slow down the movement

Elevated Lateral Leg Raise

Lay on your side. Bend the leg on the ground 45 degrees, then push yourself up with your weight on your elbow and leg on the ground. The leg on top, closest to the ceiling should be straight. Raise it up toward the ceiling, and then back down. Repeat 10-15 reps.

  • Requirements: n/a
  • Purpose: glute activation and strengthening
  • Muscles Targeted: glutes
  • Timeline in recovery: 2-7 months
  • Approximate reps/sets: 3 sets of 15
  • How to add difficulty: add a band, hold at the top, increase reps or sets

SL Glute Bridge

Lay on your back. Put your feet on the ground, with your knees bent. Choose one leg to start with, and then straighten the other leg (keeping your hips even). Drive your foot into the ground and push your hips up into a single-leg bridge. In a controlled manner, lower yourself back down and then repeat. 10-15 reps per leg.

  • Requirements: sufficient strength
  • Purpose: glute activation and strengthening
  • Muscles Targeted: glutes/hamstrings
  • Timeline in recovery: 3 months on
  • Approximate reps/sets: 3 set of 15
  • How to add difficulty: add weight, hold at the top

SL Squat

Stan on one leg. While keeping your knee pushed out, lower yourself down into a squat with that one leg. Then, push yourself back up to the standing position, and repeat. It may help to place a cone or block next to you that you aim to touch as you do this. The goal here is to stay controlled and balanced.

  • Requirements: weight-bearing, sufficient ROM and strength
  • Purpose: strengthening and stability
  • Muscles Targeted: quads, hamstrings, glutes
  • Timeline in recovery: 5+ months in recovery
  • Approximate reps/sets: 3 sets of 10-15
  • How to add difficulty: add weight, slow down the squat motion

High Knees in Pool

Stand in a pool that’s somewhere between belly and chest height deep. The stronger you are, the shallower the pool can be. Perform a marching action in place. As you drive your left knee up, also drive your toes up and your right arm up. Return back to standing position and switch sides. Increase the speed of the movement as you are able.

  • Requirements: sufficient ROM and strength
  • Purpose: strengthen without impact, active ROM
  • Muscles Targeted: all
  • Timeline in recovery: 3-6 months
  • Approximate reps/sets: 4 sets of 30 seconds
  • How to add difficulty: increase time or sets, move faster

Jogging in Pool

Stand in a pool that is between waist and chest height deep. As you progress, you can opt for shallower water. Focus on clean running form and simply jog back and forth in the pool.

  • Requirements: sufficient ROM
  • Purpose: Strengthen without impact, cardio
  • Muscles Targeted: all
  • Timeline in recovery: 3-6 months
  • Approximate reps/sets: 4 sets of 10-30 seconds
  • How to add difficulty: use water weights, increase the reps or length of time, speed up the movement, go in shallower water.

Watch all of these ACL recovery exercises in this video!