The Top ACL Recovery Exercises I Did 0 to 3 Months Post-Op

Before sharing my top ACL recovery exercises for approximately months 0-3, I’d just like to remind you of a few things:

  • I had ACL reconstruction with medial AND lateral meniscus repair in April 2018, then a meniscus trim in May 2019, and have returned to playing professional soccer.
  • I am not a professional strength coach, physical therapist, athletic trainer, doctor, etc. This information is based on the guidance I received from my medical professionals as well as my experience as a collegiate and professional athlete.
  • Every recovery is unique. You may be able to do exercises at different times than I did, it all depends on your specific surgery and protocol.
  • This list is not comprehensive. I also worked a lot on my range of motion, stretching, and other exercises that I did not happen to film.
  • These exercises are similar to what you can do for several types of knee surgeries (just make sure to follow your doctor’s instructions). I did many of the same exercises when recovering from my subsequent meniscus trim, just on a quicker timeline.

My ACL Recovery Videos

High Knee March

For these, stand with a stable surface in front of you. Lightly hold the support for balance. Bring one knee up into a high-knee position (knee at 90 degrees), with the other leg balancing all of your weight. Slowly bring the leg back down so you are standing on both. Switch and do the same with the opposite leg.

  • Requirements: Must be able to bear full weight
  • Purpose: Balance, stability, coordination
  • Muscles Targeted: Quad, glute
  • Timeline in recovery: Month 1-1.5
  • Approximate reps/sets: 3 sets of 15
  • How to add difficulty: Eliminate the support, do it while walking, increase the speed, increase the reps.

SL Calf Raises

Stand on a secure raised surface like a stair or ledge. Then, stand on one leg with your heel hanging off of the ledge. With all of your weight on that leg, dip your heel down. Raise your heel back up, squeezing at the top. Repeat for the reps on that side, then switch legs.

  • Requirements: Must be able to bear full weight
  • Purpose: Balance, strengthening
  • Muscles Targeted: Calf
  • Timeline in recovery: Months 1-12
  • Approximate reps/sets: 3 sets of 15
  • How to add difficulty: Add weight, increase reps, increase speed

Mini Step Ups

Find a suitable box, stair, etc to use for the step up. Stand in front of the step up platform, facing forward. Lift one leg up and step onto the box. Push yourself up so that you are fully standing on the top of the platform. With the same leg, slowly lower yourself back down to the ground. Repeat.

  • Requirements: Must be able to bear full weight and have sufficient ROM for the movement.
  • Purpose: Strengthening, eccentric strengthening, balance
  • Muscles Targeted: Quad, glutes, hamstrings
  • Timeline in recovery: Month 2.5-3
  • Approximate reps/sets: 3 sets of 15
  • How to add difficulty: Increase the height of the platform, add weight (dumbells or barbell)

Straight Leg Raises

Lay down on your back. Place one foot on the ground, with that knee at 90 degrees. With the other leg, squeeze your quad and lift your straight leg off the ground. Squeeze at the top, then slowly lower your leg to the ground, releasing tension before beginning the next repetition.

  • Requirements: virtually none
  • Purpose: Strengthening, quad activation
  • Muscles Targeted: Quad
  • Timeline in recovery: Month 0-2
  • Approximate reps/sets: 3 sets of 15
  • How to add difficulty: Add an ankle weight, hold for multiple seconds at the top, repeat without any rest at the bottom

Mini Squat

Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart. Slowly sit back into a squat position, but only go until your knees are around 45 degrees bent. Hold for a second in the mini-squat position before returning to the standing position. As you stand back up, squeeze your glutes.

  • Requirements: Must be able to bear full weight and have adequate ROM
  • Purpose: Strengthening
  • Muscles Targeted: Quad, glute
  • Timeline in recovery: Month 0-2
  • Approximate reps/sets: 3 sets of 15
  • How to add difficulty: Increase the depth of the squat, add a band around your knees, add weight, increase sets/reps.

Biking (mostly for ROM)

At this stage of my recovery, I was biking mostly for range of motion, not as much for cardio or strength. In these months I did not use resistance on the bike, and I generally only went on for 5-10 minutes.

Start by trying to slowly make partial revolutions with the pedal, alternating between pedaling forward and backward. As your range of motion increases, you can make full circles with the pedal. If you need to, start the seat a little bit higher, eventually lowering it to an accurate position as your ROM improves.

  • Requirements:
  • Purpose: range of motion, quad activation
  • Muscles Targeted: quad, hamstring
  • Timeline in recovery: Month 0-2
  • Approximate reps/sets: 5-10 minutes
  • How to add difficulty: Increase the speed, increase the resistance, increase the time

Leg Press (no weight or light weight)

Early on, I used the leg press on a very light setting. This helped me safely achieve a greater range of motion and work on flexion. As I got stronger and gained, ROM, I slowly added weight for strengthening.

Most gyms have a leg press machine. I sat in the seat, placed my feet flat on the platform shoulder-width apart, and slowly pressed out until my legs were straight. I was careful not to hyperextend my knees, especially as I added weight.

  • Requirements: the ability to bear weight
  • Purpose: range of motion, strengthening
  • Muscles Targeted: quad, glutes
  • Timeline in recovery: Month 0-12
  • Approximate reps/sets: 3 sets of 10-15
  • How to add difficulty: Add weight, increase reps, or hold the squat position

SL Balance (& on Bosu Ball)

At first, I simply stood on the ground on one foot. I would balance in this position to active my ankle and glutes. To make it harder, I would close my eyes as well. Eventually, I progressed to doing this on a Bosu ball. You can do SL balance stance on flat ground or an uneven surface.

  • Requirements: full weight-bearing
  • Purpose: balance, stability, full leg activation, ankle strength
  • Muscles Targeted: ankles, glutes
  • Timeline in recovery: Month 0-2
  • Approximate reps/sets: 3 sets of 60-second holds
  • How to add difficulty: Close eyes, increase the duration, hold a weight, stand on an uneven surface

Sit and Roll on Exercise Ball

Sit on an exercise ball or a chair with wheels. With feet planted firmly on the ground, pull your butt forward. If on a ball, the ball will roll forward as you sit on it. This will help you work into flexion.

  • Requirements: N/A
  • Purpose: range of motion (flexion), hamstring activation
  • Muscles Targeted: hamstring
  • Timeline in recovery: Month 0-2
  • Approximate reps/sets: 3 sets of 15 reps
  • How to add difficulty:

Glute Bridge

Lay on your back. Place your feet flat on the ground, so that your knees are at 90 degrees. Drive your heels into the ground as you lift your hips off the ground and toward the sky. Squeeze at the top, then return back down to the resting position.

  • Requirements: N/a
  • Purpose: Strengthening
  • Muscles Targeted: quad, glutes
  • Timeline in recovery: Month 0-3
  • Approximate reps/sets: 3 sets of 15 reps
  • How to add difficulty: Hold at the top for longer, add a band around your knees, single-leg variation

Lateral Step Down

Stand on a small platform, like a stair, box, etc. Rather than stepping forward, you step down laterally. For example, stand on your left leg, with your right leg hanging over the side of the platform. Perform a single-leg squat with your left leg to lower the right leg down to the ground (or as far as you can go). Lightly tap the ground with your right leg, then use your left leg to return to the standing position on the box.

  • Requirements: complete weight-bearing
  • Purpose: quad strength, eccentric strength, knee control, glute strength
  • Muscles Targeted: quad, glute
  • Timeline in recovery: Month 1-10
  • Approximate reps/sets: 3 sets of 10-15 reps
  • How to add difficulty: Increase the height of the platform, add weight (dumbbell or barbell)

Roll Back on All 4s

Get in an all-fours position on a soft surface. Gently push your hands into the ground, pushing your hips back and down. Go as far as you can, trying to have your heels touch your butt. Hold in that position for a moment, then return to the starting position before repeating.

  • Requirements:
  • Purpose: range of motion
  • Muscles Targeted: quad
  • Timeline in recovery: Month 0-2
  • Approximate reps/sets: 3-4 sets of 15 reps
  • How to add difficulty: Hold for longer in the flexed position

Straight Leg Glute Bridge

Lay on your back. Keeping your legs straight, position your elbows next to your body so that you can push up on them. Drive your heels into the ground and lift your hips toward the ceiling. Pause at the top before returning to the starting position. Legs remain straight the entire time.

  • Requirements: sufficient extension
  • Purpose: range of motion, quad activation
  • Muscles Targeted: quad, hamstring
  • Timeline in recovery: Month 0-2
  • Approximate reps/sets: 5-10 minutes
  • How to add difficulty: Increase the speed, increase the resistance, increase the time


In the beginning, I did this exercise with no weight. Start standing on two legs. While keeping your left leg on the ground, lean your upper body forward and bring your right leg straight back behind you. Slowly bring your right leg back to the starting position before repeating.

  • Requirements: full weight-bearing
  • Purpose: strengthening, balance, coordination, stability
  • Muscles Targeted: hamstring, glutes
  • Timeline in recovery: Month 1-12+
  • Approximate reps/sets: 3 sets of 10-15 reps
  • How to add difficulty: Increase reps, add weight

Exercise Ball Hamstring Curls

Lay on your back. Place your feet on an exercise ball, so your knees are bent at 90 degrees. While lifting your hips off the ground and toward the sky, pull your feet toward your butt. Slowly straighten your legs while keeping your hips up. Repeat this movement.

  • Requirements: enough ROM
  • Purpose: Strengthening
  • Muscles Targeted: hamstring, glutes, core
  • Timeline in recovery: Month 2-12+
  • Approximate reps/sets: 3 sets of 10-15 reps
  • How to add difficulty: Increase reps, progress to SL variation, extend your leg slower

Side Leg Raises

This clip shows side and back leg raises

Lay on your side, with your legs stacked and straight. Squeeze your glutes while lifting your top leg up toward the ceiling. Once you have done repetitions that way, then switch to the leg underneath.

  • Requirements: N/A
  • Purpose: strengthening, glute activation
  • Muscles Targeted: glutes
  • Timeline in recovery: Month 1-5
  • Approximate reps/sets: 3 sets of 10-15 reps
  • How to add difficulty: Increase reps, add resistance (ankle weight or band)

Back Leg Raises

Lay on your stomach with your legs out straight. One at a time, squeeze your glute and lift your heel toward the ceiling. Squeeze at the top before returning your leg down. Repeat

  • Requirements: Sufficient ROM
  • Purpose: strengthening, glute activation
  • Muscles Targeted: glutes, lower back
  • Timeline in recovery: Month 1-5
  • Approximate reps/sets: 3 sets of 10-15 reps
  • How to add difficulty: Increase reps, add resistance, hold at the top for longer

Step Up to Calf Raise

Combine a step-up and calf-raise movement. As you step onto the platform, drive your other leg up so that the knee is at 90 degrees and lift the heel of your plant foot up into a calf raise.

  • Requirements: full weight-bearing, sufficient ROM, and sufficient strength
  • Purpose: strengthening, balance, coordination, stability
  • Muscles Targeted: quads, hamstrings, glutes, calves
  • Timeline in recovery: Month 3-12+
  • Approximate reps/sets: 3 sets of 10-15 reps
  • How to add difficulty: Increase reps, add weight, add plyometric movement (jump)

Walking Lunges

Stand facing forward. Take your left leg and lunge forward, keeping your ankles, hips, and knee in alignment. Don’t allow the knee to cave in. From that position, use your left leg to push yourself forward and up so you are again standing. Repeat with the right leg, and then repeat the entire process again.

  • Requirements: full weight-bearing, sufficient strength
  • Purpose: strengthening, balance, coordination, stability
  • Muscles Targeted: quads, hamstrings, glutes
  • Timeline in recovery: Month 3-12+
  • Approximate reps/sets: 3 sets of 10-15 reps
  • How to add difficulty: Increase reps, add weight, add plyometrics

Watch all of these ACL recovery exercises in this video!

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