By this point in my recovery, I was basically back to normal after my second partial meniscectomy.
But before learning more about weeks 10-12 of my recovery, I suggest reviewing my progress up to this point including:
- Week 8 & 9 Rehab
- Week 7 Rehab
- Week 6 Rehab
- Week 5 Rehab
- Week 4 Rehab
- Week 3 Rehab
- Week 2 Rehab
- Week 1 Rehab
In this article, I outline weeks 10-12 of my rehab after my second partial meniscectomy.
How I Felt During Weeks 10-12 of Meniscectomy Rehab
All in all, I felt great during these weeks of rehab. I was no longer concerned about my knee when I was training or playing, and I really stopped noticing it. By this time, my procedure felt like it was far in the past.
How My Knee Felt
In general, my knee felt really good by this point. I was not experiencing quad tendon weakness or pain. Even during or after soccer games, I did not have much pain.
I can’t even remember icing my knee during this time. If I did, it was only on occasion and after a difficult session. My knee, and muscles, were adjusting to the training load. In general, my knee felt pretty normal and this certainly improved my confidence.

Major Events
During weeks 10-12 post-op, I continued training with my team and playing full matches. We had games during each of these weeks.
When I could, I also continued with my own work in the gym. Of course, balancing this all means I can’t get in the gym as much as I would like to. However, I focused my gym sessions on general leg strength, landing mechanics, and power.
Here were some key events during these weeks:
- Leg strength and stamina returning.
- Played multiple full soccer matches.
- Participated in team training.
- Continued individual gym sessions (strengthening, jumping, etc.)
- No more regular icing. Occasional heat.
- Rarely any pain.
10-12 Weeks Post-Op Meniscectomy Exercises
Throughout these weeks, the bulk of my training was with my soccer team. It was difficult to go to the gym as much as I’d like because I also needed to be aware of overtraining and game preparation. However, when I did get to the gym, I continued with a lot of SL strengthening, landing mechanics, and power.
I did a lot of similar exercises as I show in my 9 to 12-month ACL recovery exercises video, as well as basic movements from previous videos in that series.
Here are a few examples:
- SL pistol squat with BB
- RDL (SL, double-leg, variations)
- SL leg extension (with isometric and eccentric movements)
- Lateral jumps
- SL jumps over objects
- BB step ups
- Calf raises
- Hamstring curl
Meniscectomy Rehab Frequently Asked Questions- 10-12 Weeks Post Op
Here are a few common questions about weeks 10-12 of my rehab after my second partial meniscectomy:
Did you have pain?
No, by this point I really did not experience pain, even during exercise. After a VERY intense session, I sometimes had a bit of soreness for about one day. But in general, I had 0 pain while running, sprinting, playing soccer, squatting, etc.
Could you sprint?
Yes, by this time I could fully sprint, including with a change of direction.
Could you play soccer?
Yes, I played 3 games (1 per week) in this time frame. I also participated in team training. I no longer experienced extreme muscle soreness after playing, as my body was adapting.
Did you have equal leg strength?
No, I did not have exactly equal leg strength. However, I have not since my initial ACL surgery back in 2018. But, my strength was much closer than it had been a few weeks prior. I did not have quad tendon pain during explosive movements anymore, and I did not feel a difference while playing.
Will you post another update?
This blog concludes my “weekly” updates after this surgery. I am feeling back to normal and won’t have much to say a week in and week out (or even monthly). However, I’ll likely do a follow up when I’m closer to 5 years post op from my ACL surgery.
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